Please register to join a retreat. Go to: 2025 Retreats.
Use this link to join virtual programming:
For detailed weekend and week-long sesshin schedules, we will provide PDFs.
Guidelines for Virtual Engagement
1. Mute and Unmute. Please mute your Zoom profile during zazen and chanting. Only unmute during dokusan, opening circle, and closing circle. When chanting, there is a delay in the streaming and the chants are off. Only the residents in the zendo will be heard for chanting.
2. Be early. Please connect to Zoom and be in your seats 5 minutes before periods of zazen and for Dharma talks. This way, we can pass on important information, updates, and manage dokusan.
3. Dokusan. At the beginning of a period of zazen that will include dokusan, you will be asked by the Jisha (most likely Mui) to open the chat box and write your name or "I do" so that the Roshis and Yugen can have a list of people who want dokusan. The Roshis will facilitate the movement of folks from the zendo to the breakout/dokusan room.
Suggestions for Deepening Practice Virtually
1. SmartPhone. Make a commitment to turn your phone off for the entire retreat, or for certain parts of the sesshin.
2. Reading & Television. Make a commitment not to read or watch television during the entire sesshin.
3. Noble Silence. Make a commitment to remain silent, except for dokusan, chanting, and the closing circle. Have a conversation with your partner/roommate to come to an agreement.
4. Meals. Prep your meals ahead of time so that you are not rushed during meal times.
5. Chanting Service. Print the Chanting Service so you can read along and see the residents perform the service, or use your other screen (phone, iPad, etc.). LITURGY
6. Formal Wear. It may help your mindset to change out of your night pajamas into your day pajamas, or your lay robes, or samue, or at last something that fits the standard etiquette of the zendo, which is dull, dark, comfortable clothes that cover the shoulders and the knees.