
GMZC offers several different options for membership to choose from, to better accommodate people who are interested in exploring Zen and how it can benefit their lives. To help with this, we now offer a 4-week trial period where new people can practice with us including Dokusan (one-on-one private interview with the teachers) before they commit to becoming a member.

We have also expanded the membership options. Please trust your heart when choosing a level of membership that feels right for you.

Membership Levels

Membership donations allow the center to have a wonderful facility to meet in and helps to maintain the building and grounds of this beautiful property. It allows us to offer retreats as well as remote participation through Zoom for all our programs; as well as supporting the development of GMZC and its programming. If none of the options below fit your budget of training or non-training memberships, please talk to us and we’ll work with you.

Training Member Categories

Includes Zendo positions and working with teachers.

Benefactor Member
This membership level allows more flexibility to service the Zen community, support the teachers, and develop our offerings. It provides Dana, or generous offering from the heart, and helps to supplement lower level memberships. $100+ per month, or $1,000+ for the whole year.

Sustaining Member
This is our standard membership level. This level allows us to have and maintain the Abbey on these beautiful grounds in Berthoud Colorado and continue to offer the teachings to all who come. $70 per month, or $700 for the whole year.

Student/Limited Resource
This level is intended for students and other members with a limited budget. However, should your situation change, we encourage moving up to the Sustaining level, which better assists in helping to maintain the property and make the teachings available. $35 per month, or $360 for the whole year.

Non-Training Members

Friends of the Sangha
If you would like to take part in weekly scheduled activities but do not wish to work with the teachers or learn a zendo position, your presence and participation is a gift to us by itself. However, we suggest a $10-$15 monthly donation which helps us to maintain the community. If you can’t afford that, please do not let it deter you from participating and practicing with us.

Discount for Couples: 20% off your regular fee, per person.

Benefits of Being a Training Member of GMZC

  1. Access to 1:1 private interviews with the teachers, koan training, and ongoing spiritual direction.
  2. A more intimate relationship with the teachers and with the community.
  3. Opportunities to participate in the development process.
  4. Ability to learn and hold a service position in the zendo, adding another layer to your practice and engagement with the sangha.
  5. Priority retreat registration.
  6. Members benefit from having made a commitment to their training, to the community, and to the teachers.