Great Mountain Zen Center, Located at Maitreya Abbey, is a Buddhist Meditation and Retreat Center in Colorado
Please join us to learn how to meditate, take a course about Zen Buddhist history, philosophy, or Zen training, or deepen your meditation practice with one of our retreats, special events, or during a residential stay.

Words of Encouragement
from Temple Priest Koren
- Day of Silence
From time to time, set aside a day of silence.

View our Youtube Channel videos and other videos of Dharma Talks, chanting services, and abbey documentaries.

Learn more about the process of becoming a Buddhist and the path of Zen Buddhist practice and training.
6:30-8:00 pm Three 25-minute periods of sitting meditation, walking meditation, and optional interview with the teacher
4th Tuesday – One 40 minute sitting, a brief talk, and discussion.
*See Calendar for Dates and Cancellations
April 8, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
In-person at Maitreya Abbey
8:00 am In-person 1:1 Interviews for members**
8:30 am Two 25-minute periods of sitting meditation, walking meditation, and optional interview with the teacher.
9:30 am Chanting service
10:00-11:00 am Dharma talk & discussion
*See Calendar for dates and cancellations
** Only those members desiring dokusan (interview with the teacher) will need to arrive and be in their seats by 8 am. Everyone else (in-person and virtual) can join for the rest of the program beginning at 8:30 am.
Sign Up for the GMZC Weekly Newsletter
Our weekly newsletter includes the topic for the coming week’s dharma talk, updates on schedule changes, upcoming weekly and monthly offerings including special events, news, and dharma teachings.