Weekly Programs

Our weekly programs are open to all who wish to sincerely join in group meditation, to receive teachings on Zen Buddhism, and to engage in Buddhist community. You do not have to be a member or have previous experience to join. Find more information below about our weekly programs and please do not hesitate to CONTACT US if you have more questions.

Important: Please sign up for our Weekly Newsletter to get weekly updates on the Dharma Talk topic of the week, various talks given by our teachers across the country, Guest Speakers, Mindfulness Practice of the Week, Precept of the Week, and a slew of other useful and interesting information.

Tuesday Program (Hybrid)

Join via Zoom or in-person* for zazen (meditation), chanting, and dokusan (private interview with a GMZC teacher). See the CALENDAR for specific dates and cancellations.

Use this link to join: https://zoom.us/j/373766642

6:30 pm Zazen meditation & Dokusan
7:05 pm Kinhin walking meditation
7:15 pm Zazen meditation
7:50 pm Four Bodhisattva Vows (found on LITURGY page)

Dokusan (private interview) with a teacher will occur during zazen and kinhin.

First Tuesday of the Month: (before regular program)

Short Introduction to Zen Meditation

5:30 – 6:30 pm

In-person at Maitreya Abbey

No charge or registration required 

Email ando@gmzc.org to arrange a different date.

See CALENDAR to confirm dates.

Fourth Tuesday of the Month:

6:30 pm Zazen (40 minutes)
7:10 pm Break
7:15 pm Talk by a Sangha member
7:35 pm Pass the talking stick or interactive discussion
7:50 pm 4 Bodhisattva Vows.

Join GMZC Teachers and GMZC’s in-person and virtual participants for our modified Fourth Tuesday of the Month program via Zoom or in-person. There will be no Dokusan these evenings. Zazen and discussion with Yugen Sensei and Tetsudo Sensei and senior students 

See CALENDAR to confirm dates.

Saturday Program (Hybrid)

Join via Zoom or in-person for our weekly Saturday program. Sign up for our Weekly Newsletter to get up-to-date information on the dharma talk of the week. This Saturday program is cancelled on weekends when we have meditation retreats. See the CALENDAR for scheduling information.

Use this link to join: https://zoom.us/j/373766642

8:00 am In-person Dokusan for members**
8:30 am Chanting Service (use the LITURGY page)
8:55 am Zazen meditation & Dokusan
9:20 am Kinhin walking meditation
9:30 am Zazen meditation
9:55 am Break
10:00 am Dharma Talk & Discussion

** Only those members desiring in-person dokusan (private interview with a teacher) will need to arrive and be in their seats by 8am; everyone else (in-person and virtual) can join for the rest of the program beginning at 8:30 am.

In-person Events – COVID and Health Information

Participants are no longer required to be vaccinated for COVID-19. However, if you are feeling ill with any upper respiratory symptoms, please attend virtually instead of in-person. We also request that in-person participants use hand sanitizer upon arrival and frequently throughout their visit. If you end up feeling uncomfortable with the proximity to others in the zendo (meditation hall), you will be welcome to sit on one of the couches outside of the zendo or wear a mask. Your choice will be respected.