On the donation page please consider donating to cover the PayPal fees to process the payment. To donate to one of our senseis, please add their name to the note field. Thank You.
See program cancellation policy below.
Dana Paramita
Dana Paramita, the Perfection of Generosity, is one of the six paramitas, the perfections of an awakened being. When the heart and mind are free, generosity is a natural characteristic of every human being.
Our Ongoing Needs
Religious organizations depend on the generosity of their members and visitors in order to fulfill our mission and to provide services. Heating, cooling, maintenance, taxes, new tools, flowers, support for the teachers and staff, marketing, organizing and offering programs and so much more demand financial resources to keep it all going. Thank you for your help!
Dana for Senseis
Many Dharma centers regularly ask for dana for the teachers in addition to retreat and membership fees. Our senseis have been teaching you for several years as volunteers without remuneration. It is time to show our gratitude for their selfless service to the sangha. You can leave them an offering using the donate button above. Just add their name to the note field when you donate. Or you can put cash or a check in the donation box at the abbey. Again, add a note stating for whom the dana is directed. Thank you.
What Are Suggested Donations?
Suggested Donations for weekly events, courses, and retreats are just that: suggestions. For those who are thriving, please consider offering more than the suggestion to cover the expenses of those who are not, and for the growth of the Zen Center.
Scholarships & Work-Trade
For those who may have difficulty with the suggested donations for retreats and courses, CONTACT US and let’s see what we can work out.
Cancellation Policy
When registering for a course, retreat, or residential stay, you are making a donation to Great Mountain Zen Center. Deposits are nonrefundable. If you are unable to attend a program event, and we have been given ample notice or there is an emergency or illness, we will transfer your registration to a future program.