
GMZC Welcome Video

In this YouTube video, take a tour of Great Mountain Zen Center in Berthoud, Colorado. This video offers a glimpse into the spiritual path of Zen Buddhism as practiced at Maitreya Abbey.

GMZC Chanting Service

In this YouTube video, participate in the 20-minute Chanting Service that includes the Prayer for Peace, the Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, The Identity of Relative and Absolute, the Kanzeon Sutra, and the Kichijo Dharani.

Everyone is a Buddha

In this YouTube video, Roshi Gerry Shishin Wick talks about the intrinsic nature of humanity as Buddhahood. He then talks about how even awakened people must still maintain awareness.

Finding Groundlessness in Meditation

In this YouTube video, Roshi Ilia Shinko Perez talks about how to attend to thoughts during meditation, the pleasure of letting go, the fear that can arise from dissolving the ego, the fundamental reality of life, and the importance of a guide in Zen meditation.

“The Zen Priestess and the Snake” Teisho by Roshi Ilia Shinko Perez

Dharma Talk for the Zen Life & Meditation Center, Chicago for their Sunday Morning Zen program on September 27, 2020. Roshi Shinko talks about her new book, “The Zen Priestess and the Snake: A Woman’s Path of Transformation and Healing Through Rediscovery of the Great Mother Tradition”.

GMZC YouTube Channel

The GMZC YouTube Channel has many short and long videos including Dharma Talks from Roshis Shinko and Shishin, as well as Gyodo Sensei, Tetsudo Sensei, and GMZC Dharma Holders.