Words of Encouragement

from Temple Priest Koren

  • Day of Silence
    From time to time, set aside a day of silence.
  • Responsibility
    What would your life be like if you took responsibility for everything in your experience?
  • Relaxed
    Remember how relaxed, joyful, and at peace the Buddha felt meditating in the garden as a little child. This is the feeling he came back to later in life when his practice became too hard. You can come back to this too. Always come back to the joy.
  • Notice
    It can be so wonderful to stop trying to accomplish anything for a while, just to rest and notice what is.
  • Loving thoughts
    Thinking loving thoughts of others expands the heart’s capacity to feel love.
  • Just pay attention
    The idea of Zen is elusive because it is ungraspable. Sometimes that can feel frustrating. Just pay attention to how you live your life. The way you live this life is everything.
  • Sanghas
    We are each a part of many sanghas: family, circles of friends, workplace, spiritual community, neighborhood, state, country, planet… What are some ways that you can nurture the sanghas you are a part of?
  • Arising and passing away
    It is the nature of thoughts and sensations to arise and pass away again. Just sit still and watch them doing that. You don’t need to hang on to any of them.
  • Simply observe
    If you’re tense and forcing anything in meditation, you’re probably trying too hard. Let go and simply observe the coming and going of all things in your current experience.