It can be quite uncomfortable to walk into a new spiritual community. We are a very friendly community of folks with a casual approach to meditation instruction and introducing new folks to Zen Buddhism. Welcome! ***
Please allow plenty of time to find the abbey, to park, to enter and have a tour, use the restroom, choose meditation supplies, and be in your seat ready for meditation 5 minutes before the beginning time.
What to wear
Please wear comfortable, flexible clothing that is not too bright and distracting nor has inappropriate logos or offensive writing. Most people wear darker colors. The knees should be covered by pants or a long skirt. The meditation hall (zendo) can be as low as 62 degrees in the winter and as high as 75 in the summer. Please do not wear hats or hoods in the zendo. You are welcome to wear a shawl if you like.
What to bring
We provide meditation cushions (zafus), chairs, meditation benches, and gomdens, as well as a soft mat (zabutan) to place your cushion. You are welcome to bring your own meditation seat. Bring a water bottle with water; these stay in the entrance area and can be accessed between meditation periods.
What to expect
In Zen meditation, we sit quietly without moving (much) for 25-40 minutes at a time. There are 10 minute silent walking meditation breaks between the seated meditations when you can use the restroom or get a drink of water. One of our staff will be available to give you a tour, help you figure out your meditation cushions or chairs, and answer any questions you have.
Use the CONTACT US buttons found throughout the website if you would like to ask some questions.